Saturday, November 12, 2011

Movie Moments

A few posts ago, I talked about how I can tell you my entire life through song. Well, I can also tell you my entire life through what I call movie moments - episodes that for all intents and purposes look like they come directly out of a movie, whether that be a drama, romance, or romantic comedy. I have no doubt that it's a direct output of my mad passion and tendency toward all things dramatic.

Love Walked In is a novel that I read last year while going through the break-up with my ex, and sometimes a book just resonates perfectly with your current life situation and circumstances. That's what this book did for me. It doesn't have the best reviews, but I found it to be full of amazing quotes about the complexities of love and relationships, intimate and otherwise, from the perspective of a woman not unlike me in many ways. Instantly, the first page drew me in with the narrator's fixation on "the way people turn moments in their lives into movie moments."

A few years ago, while with my ex, I met a man who I recently mentioned I consider to be a soulmate. I am personally not naive to the fact that regardless of your current relationship status and/or your love and affection for another, there will inevitably be qualities in someone that crosses your path that you find to be attractive in some way, worthy of thought and consideration. Our movie moment happened on a rooftop, of course. "The story was gorgeous and devastating, and it left me with a choice of two possible interpretations, like two paths."

With the man who keeps me up at night, it's been nothing but oscar-worthy moments of fire and ice. Standing on the back stairs of a hotel, asking me to look at him, to believe him, him wanting to do more, provide more, wanting to give me what I need, but unable to do so. And kissing him, well kissing him is like liquid gold flowing down a mountain of bliss and rapture. I'll leave it at that, because 1) I need to try to keep this blog somewhat pg-rated, and 2) there are those who don't want to hear about the most intimate moments of my life, though I can't imagine why not?! "Maybe love comes in at the eyes, but not nearly as much as it comes in at the ears."

Well, isn't that really what life is all about, the ugly and pretty of it, and all the movie moments in between. "Knowing what you love and why, I found out, is as real as it gets."

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