Friday, May 8, 2015

"What If" Analysis

We have a computer software program that we utilize at work that has this really amazing "What If" feature. Basically, you can put in some intended or unintended variables to see the resulting outcomes in that case. Fascinating.

Too bad we can't do that in real life, right? Then again, isn't that the fun of it?

Recently, Lizard told me that he wished I didn't worry/wonder about the "what ifs" so much. It was a very astute comment from the kid, but one that I'm not sure I can live up to. I've always aspired to be the best in everything I do, and pondering the "what ifs" are just an essential part of my chemical makeup. Yet again, I get his point. It's the contentedness factor that's missing when you're always analyzing the "what ifs." Maybe with our computer software program we should just let the marbles fall where they may and see what happens, rather than guess.

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