Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Adventure #34: Glass Bowl Design

I know that my posts are few and far between these days, but it has anything and everything to do with my special reptilian friend. He is taking up a good deal of my time, and!

With that being said, I did recently make some time to enjoy a glass bowl design class with some of my favorite co-workers. We each chose a piece of glass, as well as accent pieces, and shaped a bowl out of them. I must admit that though I'm not the most crafty person I know, I was quite pleased with the way mine turned out. And more importantly, a wine-inspired evening with some amazing people is always tons of fun!

Update: "Busy" Work

I had a co-worker this week who told me that my life was less busy than hers because I don't have children, and even worse then proceeded to insinuate that my "busy" is less important. (See, I don't make this stuff up, I promise - or at least not completely!)

At first, and still a little, I felt angry and defensive. However, today, I feel more sorry for her, sorry that she doesn't like herself and her own life enough to not have to 'one-up' mine. So, jealousy, enjoy your time with me, because you're right - I'm something to definitely be jealous of!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Update: More Child(ren)

I've published a few blogs previously in reference to children: here and here.

Well, I am going to spill all the beans from all the cans in this post! Things that annoy the hades out of me:
  • Pictures of "baby bumps" - really, what is the obsession with putting pictures of your extending belly on the web for the WORLD to see? 
  • Seeing women breastfeed in public. Yes, I am a woman and I do truly admire mothers, but I will never understand why that is ok. Sorry, some things were not meant to be shown in public, but for the record, if you can show your boobs in public for breastfeeding, why can't I show mine for other reasons? Isn't that discrimination? I also think that if it's ok to breastfeed in public, then it's ok for me to make out with someone, of any gender, in public as well. Just sayin...
  • Finally, whether blatant or not, women with children versus without are treated differently in the workplace. Dependent upon the type of environment in which you work, this can manifest itself in many different ways. In my career of choice, which I absolutely love by the way, as well as my current employer, I am in the minority. Sometimes perception is all that I have, and the truth lies somewhere elsewhere; however, it appears that the employees with children are allowed special concessions. Please see my previous post for more on this particular tirade.
If you have children, wonderful! If not, respect me/us the same.

Single in the Workplace

I recently read a terrific article about the "new" discrimination taking place in the workplace, one that I can empathize with fully and fundamentally.

Whether implied or explicit, the perception is that my obligations outside of work are not of the same caliber as those of my co-workers because they are married, have children, ___ (fill in the blank) and are therefore, justifiably, more important than my own. Just a few weeks ago, I was complaining to my colleague and good friend about not being able to call in late because I want to have sex with my boyfriend, but my co-workers call in incessantly with "my son is ill," "my daughter has a school performance," and "my husband has to work." Her retort was exquisite: "No one has to know why you're calling in, do they?"

Maybe my social life isn't important to you, but it's important to me. And who are you to judge...really?

The next time I call in late for no apparent reason...believe me, I'm going to have a huge smile on my face because I am positive my reason is much more enjoyable than yours!


Why be anything less? Being 100% is all I know how to be. And it's something I immensely appreciate in others. Some say that being 100% inevitably leads to much hurt and pain, but isn't it the most incredible feeling in the world - to have no qualms about caring too much, too deeply - no matter the outcome?

To all the 100%ers out there, thank you for being you!

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...