Monday, June 25, 2012

Doing the Right Thing

One thing I hate is when you try to do the right thing, and it winds up being the wrong thing. Some of that d*mned if I do and d*mned if I don't mentality, I know, but it's quite irksome when you truly have someone else's best interest at heart and they manipulate it against you somehow. Perhaps I'm still naive in my belief that people are inherently good, but it's revolting to think that they are all inherently bad, don't you think? Then why does it seem that so many of us seem to meet an excessive amount of these *ssholes??

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Whole Truth

I realize that I have not been blogging as often, but I'm truthfully not sure as to the reason(s) for that. I wish that I could say that I have been living life instead of writing about it, but I'm not sure that's the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

A few nights ago, I met a young man while out dancing with some friends. Par for the course of me meeting someone new, he was beyond excited to spend time with me, not even wanting to wait 24 hours to see me again! He was persistent, super sweet, and genuinely engaged. So, last night we met up for the second time, and the evening began superbly. Our chemistry is off-the-charts, and his intelligence and worldliness are extremely attractable qualities. However, the evening certainly did not end the way that I had envisioned. Instead of looking forward to another evening with him in the future, I find myself telling him this morning that it was a pleasure meeting him and expressing regret at not being on the same page.

You see, the problem is that I am emotionally connected to him, beyond the physical and mental connection, and yet again, despite indications to the contrary, he is only "physically" interested. So, this morning, I am left feeling sad, disappointed, and hopeless. It will pass, this I know, as I know the ebb and flow of the tide is constant...sometimes too constant, as it would be really nice to have something that lasts for more than a day or two...

On another note, my Caribbean boyfriend has actually disappeared into the sea. He has taken a job off the island for an extended period of time, and I have no contact with him. Beyond the uneasiness about my upcoming trip, I desperately miss our chats, the constant guidance and stability he provides me. Despite the distance, I have grown to count on him for most things reflective, and not having him available is crushing.

That's the truth, the whole truth, at least the truth for the day.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Parallelisms: Six Degrees Between

Sometimes I think the parallels that exist in our realm of the universe are incredibly intricate and invasive.

A few weeks ago I met a man at a concert of a different type - this one was of the electronic genre - that I had decided to attend alone. We had a wonderful evening of dancing, kissing, and well, you know. Anyway, I'll leave it pg-rated, but let's suffice it to say that it was an evening of some firsts (and probably lasts, too). Nevertheless, I walked away not knowing his last name and he walked away not knowing my digits.

At first, I was horrified that he didn't even have the consideration to ask, regardless of usage thereafter, but then, and ever since, I have done absolutely nothing but laugh at the entire situation. Sometimes being 30+ definitely has its upsides - things like self-confidence and self-assurance.

Now, I am admittedly a 100% certified google stalker. If you want something found, leave it to me. All jokes aside. So, of course, I found out that which I did not know - his last name, all based simply on his occupation and employer! Something tells me he doesn't have the required wherewithal to find my phone number in quite the same way, but even more pertinent, the care to do so. No worries...the ball is always in my court...

A week later, some good friends and I were out for a night of dancing, and lo and behold, we walk into the venue just in time to see the prince, the inside joke will have to be left inside, and his roommate enjoying some adult beverages. Needless to say, he made a speedy exit for the door as soon as he was able. Now, the city we live in is in no way a small one, and this "chance" encounter sent me into hysterics, definitely at his expense, not mine. How's that for six degrees of separation?

Fast forward to today...

As I am doing my google rounds on exes just to see what's going on in their lives - and no, I do not do this often, maybe once a year or two, seriously! - anyway, as I was saying, my google trolling found a very interesting tidbit today. Upon the ending of his former employment, my ex took on a new role in a very large company based in our city. Though this employer is certainly a major one in our area, it was still disconcerting to discover that he has the exact same position guessed it, the prince!

Ah, the irony!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bitter Party of One

I don't want to be bitter, I swear. But it's just overwhelming at times.

There are things that simply annoy me as a single woman, particularly a 30+ single woman. Sometimes I am frustrated at the lack of consideration that many have for single people; sometimes I am completely appalled at the discrimination; and sometimes I am just plain sad that we aren't treated with the same respect as our "coupled" friends.

Let me give you an example...

Last week, I received an invitation to a friend's wedding. We are friends through a larger group of friends, 90% of whom have a significant other (ie. married, engaged, etc.). For whatever reason, I did not receive an "and guest." To put it mildly, I have been beside myself (as is sometimes the case with things of this nature).

Now, I assure you that budget has absolutely nothing to do with it, and even if it did, perhaps she should have been a little more thoughtful when selecting $10+ invitations OR having a shower that cost more than any wedding I would ever have.

Remember, I am a SOUTHERN woman, and in MY South, we do not discriminate against single people at weddings. I chose many, many years ago to never attend a wedding alone again. Weddings are about celebrating couples, so why would you ever deliberately ask someone to come alone? It seems extremely hateful and cruel to me, especially when the other ten friends in our group will all be there with their significant others.

So, what is a single girl to do?! Well, go and visit my Caribbean friend of course.

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...