Monday, January 6, 2014

The Holiday Survival Guide

Something happened to me. I left my hometown, and I grew up. More specifically, I grew a brain. Now, seriously, you may not agree with me on every political issue, every moral dilemma, every tit-for-tat, but what I did learn, when I moved away that is, is that I can make my own decisions about issues, dilemmas, and whatnot. So, from me to you, here's how you deal with the holidays, if (like me), you are forced to regress about 50+ years...your personal holiday survival guide.

Friday, January 3, 2014


My last post was about 3 1/2 months ago, and I know that you have been pining for another, yet something tells me a diatribe of excuses won't right the wrong this time. So I will spare both you and I and cut right to the chase.

Resolutions were fundamentally created to be unobtainable...or at least that's what some people believe.  A new and greater year is upon us, and I intend on living this one just like the last one. For the first time, ever actually, I lived a year where I accomplished much, if not all, that I had set out to do at the onset. I became a latin dancer. I made a long-term commitment to an extremely worthwhile charity in my community. And I challenged myself at work by taking on a second responsibility for an interim period of time.

With an ever slight hint of conceit, I am rather proud of myself for sticking to my goals, and in a similar vein, I shall outline my annual intentions for 2014:

  • Post a blog entry a minimum of 5 times per month. Quantifying a goal gives it legs to walk or run. Writing gives me an outlet to express myself in a way that I often have difficulty doing otherwise. Reflecting is necessary to growing spiritually.
  • Grow in my relationship with Lizard. Specifically, engage in activities that are new and exciting to facilitate a better understanding of each other. Communicate daily about our thoughts, feelings, and needs.
  • Get more active and healthy. Yes, I would be remiss to forego the quintessential New Year's resolution. In my past, I have been a dancer, a runner, a triathlete, and I know I can be all of those again. I will dance at least once each week, swim at least once each week, and run 12-15 miles each week. And just for Lizard, I will diligently work on my vegetable absorption.
  • Work on my impatience with stupid people. Truly, this one might just be the absolute most difficult for me this year. I am quick-tempered more than I am quick-witted, sad to say, and I could learn from the patience of others around me.
I hope that you will hold me accountable!

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...