Wednesday, August 27, 2014


From time to time, I am fraught with the same friendship frustrations, and they all corral around one central concept: accountability. I even began this blog with this same notion of irritability regarding friendships. Time after time, I am completely baffled by others' lack of commitment to promises made. "Life changes sometimes unexpectedly" is not an acceptable response. When another opportunity presents itself, the acceptable answer is to honor the original commitment, not take on something else because it seems better in the moment. It's sad that people of our age continue to blame others for their inability to be accountable for their actions. An appropriate response would have been, "I'm sorry. I chose a man over spending time with you." At least then there would have been some integrity in the outrageousness...

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...