Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Not my Country

Every day I awake full of fear and trepidation. Yet, why? Why should I worry? Why should I fear? I have an inane piece of paper that screams at me that I should have no worry, that I should have no see, I'm a citizen; therefore, I belong.

But to what do I belong? A country of radicals hell-bent on deporting millions of our brothers, our sisters, our friends. The young man who cuts my grass each week. The middle-aged mother of three beautiful, intelligent American-born children. The transgender woman who fled a country of persecution and abuse. No, this is not the country to which I belong.

I stand with my undocumented friends and family. And when they make a movie about the Dreamers of this country - because you know one day they will - how will you be portrayed?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Adventure #49: Bungy Jumping

We all have those items on our bucket list that we wonder if they'll ever happen. They hold significance, even among a laundry list of significant events.

I recently went on the trip of a lifetime. I visited the land of fairies, goblins, and elves, and it was an absolutely breathtaking experience. Among a myriad of highlights, however, was one particularly sensational adventure: I swan dived off a ledge with a rope tied around my ankles.

Perhaps stupid, perhaps brave, but no matter what you call it, it was incomparable and second only on my bucket list to #1!

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...