Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Changing a Climate

Wow. If you want to read a provocative article this week, here it is. "As a species, we stand at a precipice, and the choices we make in this moment determine a great many things."

The Tipping Point. It's here and almost past the point of no return. "You carry the wisdom of your ancestors with you, yet there is no one like you...you are born for this time. Each one of us plays an important significant part in the shaping of our future."

In this moment, in this very moment, you can make a difference. What will you decide? "We are all participants, and now more than ever we need every hand on deck to right this ship and chart a better course."

Monday, May 2, 2016

Same Kind of Different as Me

When I was in college, we had a weekly advertising campaign where flyers were placed on the inside of bathroom doors across campus. I loved going to the bathroom on Monday mornings to find out what was going on that week! Sounds silly, I know, but this fond memory came to mind recently as I further contemplate the "bathroom hysteria" that is currently plaguing our country.

Target recently announced that bathrooms in their stores were open to the identity of one's choice, and an absolute uproar has arisen in response in the form of a petition signed by over 700,000. Though I should not be surprised - believe me, I know - I continue to be markedly appalled at our nation's inability to move past, even an inch, its own misplaced sense of right from wrong. Why is it so difficult to embrace our differences, to truly look at someone for who they are and not for who they're not (like you)? Does it come from some distorted belief that appreciation of someone's differences might indicate a weakness in ourselves?

I'm not sure about you, but Caitlin Jenner walking into a man's bathroom seems stranger to me than she choosing the bathroom I prefer. But, ok, dudes, whatever tickles your fancy.

We have a unique opportunity RIGHT NOW. Will you be on the right or the wrong side of history?Choose wisely, my friends.

Want to be inspired? Check out this video for they are the Same Kind of Different as Me,which is also a terrific novel by the way.

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...