Friday, August 28, 2015

Televised Hypocrisy

This is going to be a rant about a sensationalized news story, so if that's not your thing, please read one of my other posts of less than newsworthy material.

The Duggars. My favorite television family to hate, after perhaps the Robertsons of Duck Dynasty. Alas, I digress. The Duggars. I want NO children; they want ALL children. I enjoy sex for the sake of having it. They have intercourse simply for the sake of procreation. I am a proud supporter of equal rights for all, including marriage equality. They are proud supporters of themselves alone, proselytizing their bizarre cult-ish behaviors and attitudes, while simultaneously judging the personal choices of those unlike themselves. Disgusting.

Fast forward to today. Let's not engage in lengthy conversation regarding Josh Duggar, eldest son of the krazy klan and harbinger of all things disgusting, who not only admitted to engaging in inappropriate sexual relations with his SISTERS, but also cheated on his wife in a very public forum. Let's instead focus our energy on Anna Duggar. The uneducated, inexperienced wife who knows nothing of wordly notions. She's a victim because she had no education to be otherwise. She's a victim because instead of her parents teaching her about the real-world, they placed her into a fantasy with a very un-storybook ending. She's a victim because instead of utilizing her God-given talents to be whatever she dreamed, she was taught to be subservient, to be at the beck and call of a man, with her legs up in the air just waiting for their next child to pop out.

How's that for America's favorite television family? Is that REALLY what we want to teach our children, should teach our children? Hell no! We're better than this hypocrisy.

Lessons Learned:
1. Hold your children so close that you squeeze them from natural sexual promiscuity and you raise a predator lying in the grass waiting to bite anything that passes by.
2. Encourage your daughters to be obedient to their masters, and they'll get the sordid fantasy of their dreams.
3. Get laid, people. It'll take the edge off.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


And on the ninth day, she embarrassed herself. Terribly so. The real issue boils down to, not the instance as one may imagine, but how it's addressed by others. It's in their reaction that the true embarrassment lies. For example, (and no, this is not what happened), a man trips and falls in front of his peers. If they stoop to help him, he's much less embarrassed than if they simply stare and laugh. So, it's not as much the action as it is the reaction that causes the embarrassment. Simply a reinforcement that I'm the new girl and I don't belong.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Ten Reasons Why a Book is Better Than a Man

1. A book can always be opened (and closed).
2. A book shares its details.
3. In a book, you can fast forward through the bad parts and re-read the good ones.
4. Books make you smarter. I don't think a comparison is needed.
5. You can take a book anywhere with you.
6. The leading man in a book always looks sexy, no matter the time of day.
7. A book relieves stress. Again, comparison not required.
8. A book always has a spine.
9. A book is timeless.
10. A book can never leave you.

Enjoy the chapters while they last, but don't linger too long as to miss out on the rest of the book!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Adventure #45: Trampoline Park

On Sunday, Lizard and I took two of his nephews to a local trampoline park. Woah! I forgot that I'm not a teen cheerleader anymore and hurled myself every which way imaginable. Needless to say, I'm paying for it today. I've never been sore in these particular places before.

On a positive note, I got an amazing workout and can't wait to go back and do it all over again!

Adventure #44: Art Show

This past weekend was a myriad of fun and exciting new adventures! On Saturday night, Lizard and I enjoyed a local wine and art show. Though the art wasn't all that impressive, I certainly enjoyed the free samples of wine! Shh, keep your comments to yourself.

When Words Aren't Enough

Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation, rapidly spit-firing your way through a dialogue with another, and suddenly, within the blink of an eyelid, you're absolutely and incoherently speechless? I bemoan those moments as would a dog a cat, and I wish that I could go back and recreate the scenario in which said moment occurred, because in this moment, I am without speechlessness.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Adventure #43: New Job

As I mentioned earlier this week, I've recently undergone a major transition in my life. I recently switched jobs and employers. Fourth day on the job, and I'm loving it. Ask me again in four years and I will tell you if I do still. Regardless, it will be a new adventure, and who doesn't love those?!

A Snarky Soul

I can't take credit for this incredibly interesting and alliterative title, but isn't it enticing? Perhaps deep down in the area near my soul that is precisely what I am - snarky and curt. And what exactly can be done about a snarky soul?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I've just recently made a huge transition in my life. And I'm still alive. And I'm loving it. Yeah, me.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Inspiration of the Day

A few of my facebook friends occasionally post inspirational quotes (as do I). This was one that recently came across my newsfeed, and it really resonated with me, probably because I don't do a good job AT ALL of putting myself in other people's shoes.

"What has a bigger impact on our lives than how we think/feel toward other people? And what greater opportunity to make a difference is there than how we treat each other in passing? Is there a faster way for "good" to accumulate? Another person is vast and unknowable. We decide, in an instant, which aspect of him we see (and shrink them to a point). It's involuntary. But if we work at it, we can cultivate and maintain an open, curious, and affectionate mind toward people; one that we can recognize and appreciate more of what's there. Respect."

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...