Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Thirteen Years

Several years ago, I introduced to you a very important person in my life. This man, whom we shall call Luciano (again for purposes of anonymity), turned my world upside down. He was everything I wasn't. He believed everything I didn't. Yet I loved him...intensely.

Which brings me to present day. Luciano has re-emerged into my life in the most profound way. Now I take full responsibility for this chain of events as it all began with a measly little message I sent some months back. Then life happened and tragedy occurred, and it seemed this would bond us in a way unimaginable previously.

And I could not be more grateful for the renewed connection. We have our own lives, our own loves, but we still make perfect sense out of chaos.

Lizard is and has been for quite some time now my diet coke, and Luciano will always be my best, most expensive malbec.

In honor of this development: New York by Snow Patrol


Donald Trump is an idiot. He is the very epitome of a hate-monger. Not that I do often, but I will NOT mince words on this post.

Though I should not be, I am appalled at the support this misogynist, racist pig has garnered over the preceding weeks. If you have any positive feeling toward Trump as a presidential candidate, or even as a human being, you need to seriously question your intrinsic beliefs regarding race and racial relations in this country. His rhetoric is nothing if not laden with contempt for anyone or anything unlike himself.

I have many friends with different political views from my own. Ok maybe not many close friends, but still. Although we don't see eye to eye on various issues, I can respect their viewpoints on most occasions. However, that would change if I discovered one of them supported this "man." More importantly, I would strongly question my ability to continue a friendship with someone who is helping to perpetuate this atrocity.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Signals, Signs, and Signatures

Let's talk about signals for a moment. Signals, by definition, alert one of important information, instructions, or even potential danger. So, why is it precisely that those driving in vehicles ahead of me fail to grasp the importance of using their signal prior to and whilst making a turn? I loathe these lazy individuals.

I spoke of a rainbow the day before I last left my Caribbean island. With my entire being, I wanted that rainbow to be a sign of something great in store for us. Fast forward to today, and it is just shy of three years since I last laid eyes on my Caribbean boyfriend, and over four months since we last communicated. And I miss him...everyday. Perhaps the rainbow was indeed a sign, but not the one I had wanted so vehemently. That's the trouble with signs. They're left up to interpretation.

And, finally, signatures. My mom's employer recently implemented a mandatory standard email signature for all employees, including the closing line. The choices: Regards, Best Regards, or With Care. Given that the first two instill visions of British aristocrats, my mom went with the third option, one that makes me think of a hospital. Perhaps that's perfect since her employer is indeed a hospital.

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...