Thursday, February 25, 2016

Sufficiency is Not Abundance

Sufficiency is not abundance. When did America become this absurdly greedy nation of faction and division? This is what a history of slavery and capitalism create - fences, not tables. More for me means less for you.

So, why are the happiest countries some of the poorest ones? Perhaps they are building tables, instead of fences.

An Extroverted Introvert

Several years ago I talked about this same topic. I'm often asked to explain why I define myself as an introvert because most people see me as wholly outgoing and personable. Well, that's true...but only sometimes. Ambivert or extroverted introvert - they're all the same to me. I'm somewhere in the middle of a spectrum, in between two opposites. Hot ice cream.

This article does a great job of explaining me in a few short paragraphs! After reading, you'll probably be more confused by this explanation, but something tells me a lot of bloggers, in particular, may also subscribe to this theory. We like our public life but only behind a translucent veil of, perhaps only alleged but nevertheless, anonymity.

Abortion Activist

Did I get your attention? Damn straight I did! If I had written, Pro-Choice Activist as the title of this entry instead, would it have had the same effect? Warning: Rant ahead, and you already know where I stand on this issue.

So, what of this recent article? Of course, I acknowledge it's from a highly conservative, Catholic publication, and we ALL know where Catholics stand on this issue. My rant today is about how offended I am by Lands' End apology for featuring an extraordinary woman in their catalog. I just saw it last night while sorting my mail and thought, "Wow, what a terrific thing for a company that predominantly serves women to feature inspiring female leaders!" And then I open up my newsfeed this morning to this shit. Seriously?! Individuals and organizations are boycotting the company because of their support of a woman who supports equal rights for women, so the company apologizes for the interview and feature article?! I suppose it's now my turn to boycott this beloved clothing company because they're stupid and wimpy.

And, by the way, here is one of the "native ads" that appeared beside said article. Bahahahaha. Bahahahaha. Get it together, people. Find a real issue to support!

Furthermore, the popular satirist John Oliver had a lot to say on the abortion issue. This news feature is both informative and hilarious! It's worth the 12+ minutes, trust me. He highlights the glaring problems with some of these legislative practices. What is/should be allowable in cases of rape or incest? What of women who face serious medical conditions or problems if they continue on with a pregnancy?

Last year, I took a free online course through Coursera that I highly recommend on this very topic of abortion. Geared toward medical professionals, it actually had a tremendous amount of relevant information for lay people like myself. The cultural and global norming issues covered in the course were particularly eye-opening. Do we really want to become a country - once again - of doctors with dirty knives in backwoods cabins, forcing women to extreme measures? Now, what's really in the best interest of women's healthcare?

Why is it that rational, critically-minded, intelligent people cannot understand this is not a black and white issue? Just because I'm pro-choice doesn't mean I actively legislate women to have abortions. On the other hand, I'm a condom activist, but that still doesn't solve many of the issues Oliver raises in his editorial. Think, people, think! Then again, maybe it's because you really aren't those adjectives referred to above that are necessary for said rationalization.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Losing Our Balance

The American constitution is based on three pillars, or branches as they are more commonly known: executive (the president), legislative (congress), and judicial (courts). I am outraged that there is controversy over whether or not to appoint and confirm a Scalia replacement under President Obama's leadership because, and I quote, "We already have four democrats on the Supreme Court, and an Obama appointment would solidify five and the majority." If the responsibility of the court system is to interpret the law, then why do we continue to affiliate judges with a political party?! Are they not indeed unbiased analyzers of the law, but rather executors of political agendas? If we are looking for "political" reform, this is where we need to begin.

Monday, February 15, 2016


One of the areas of my life I continue to spend quite a bit of reflection on are my relationships with women. I struggle to find like-lifed and like-minded relationships. What is like-lifed, you ask? Well, someone with life goals similar to my own. Simply stated, unmarried without children. When you are 30+, this is increasingly more and more difficult to find.

It doesn't mean that I'm not overjoyed upon receiving phone calls from long-time friends telling me they are finally pregnant, but times with these women change drastically upon hearing such news. No more last-minute happy hour rendezvous (without a baby in stow), no more weekend getaways (without a tremendous amount of pre-planning), and certainly no more late-night gab sessions. Like-lifed relationships are important.

But what of like-minded? Thankfully, I live in a big city, and as such, the population tends to be more liberal than average. However, what of the women I've always known, have always been there for me, yet enable hatred and elitism? The women who have decided to support Trump in this upcoming election. How do you rationalize that fact with being the same individuals I always envisioned standing next to me on my wedding day (if that elusive day ever did come)? Perhaps a day I marry one of the very individuals Trump has said is not worthy of being here.

Somewhere, my road diverged greatly from that of most from my small town. Once divergent, is there any way to reconcile the paths? Right now, the quagmire of my feelings is too thick to tell.

Go Rogue or Go Home

You may have wondered why I decided to change jobs a few months back. In this post, I'm not going to go into all the minute details, but I reserve the right to do so in the future.

For this entry, I want to focus on why I do what I do when I do it. I'm passionate. I exude immense amounts of it, both in my personal and professional life. I discovered a little late in the game at my old company that my immense passion was no longer seen as an asset, and with that I was left with few options. Taking a better position at another organization, albeit farther away, seemed the best choice, and I have not regretted that decision in the least.

But I miss some of my comrades in arms from my previous employer. May you always Go Rogue or Go Home!

Monday, February 8, 2016

"Single" Parents

Disclaimer #1. A controversial post follows.
Disclaimer #2. I have no shame in self-disclosing that I have also fell prey to such erroneous verbiage.
Disclaimer #3: No forthcoming references, in any way, allude to a widow(er) or a selfless soul who has chosen to adopt outside of partnership.

I am at that point in my life spectrum where I have countless associates, some friends, and a handful of family members who have already befallen the divorce guillotine at least once. Yes, some are spry enough to have found two lucky partners to love them and hate them in their lifetime.  The utter preponderance of this group among my demographic is in itself worthy of commentary, but today I shall further narrow this population into divorced parents.

I absolutely abhor when someone who is divorced or unmarried says he or she is a "single" parent. Technically, no, you're not. Your former spouse/partner may not be contributing to your level of expectation - whether financially, emotionally, or otherwise - to the raising of your child, but you are not as you assert a single parent. So, stop saying otherwise.

You chose to have a child. You obviously thought enough of the mother/father of your child to get naked with him/her, so suck it up. Figure it out. Your child doesn't have one parent. He/she has two. Two. So, no, you're not single. Never again.

Anger is Beautiful

All of our lives, we are taught that anger is bad, yet "stripped of physical imprisonment and violent reaction, anger is the purest form of care" and "the deepest form of compassion."

Anger is profound. It reminds us that we are alive. It is the "unwillingness to live the full measure of our fears or of our not the face of simply being alive and loving those with whom we live."

Anger is exposed. "Anger is only what is left of its essence when we are overwhelmed by its accompanying vulnerability."

Anger is love. " the measure of the way we are...made vulnerable through love."

Anger is, simply, beautiful.

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...