Monday, June 20, 2016

Prayer for Orlando

This is simply an edited reprint from a prayer vigil in which I participated last week.

We pray for those who were so tragically killed in Orlando. For those in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities, and for all who love, and all who grieve. We pray that they might find strength and not be overwhelmed by their loss.

We pray for those who were injured, those who are in great pain, and their families, friends, and companions; those whose lives will forever be changed.

We pray for those who witnessed this violence, for innocent bystanders, for the first responders, police, nurses, doctors, and all who are shaken to the core.

We pray for those who are caring for the injured, that they may offer healing and life.

We pray for our Muslim neighbors who also know too much fear and misunderstanding.

We pray for the clergy and lay ministers who will tend to the needs of people in fear and grief.

We pray for all people across the world who live under the threat of terror.

We pray for those who seek to do others harm. We pray that their hearts be turned and their minds and souls find healing.

We pray for all who are called to lead. We pray that they might have wisdom and strength and be moved to action to pursue the common good for all.

And, we pray for the day when evil takes its last gasp, when the light finally and completely dispels out the darkness in this world.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Gun Violence IS Cancer

I remain in disbelief in the aftermath of the most recent mass shooting event in Orlando, Florida. I don't own a gun, and I never will. I don't like guns. I don't understand shooting as a hobby. Yet, my "leftist" view has never indicated the "right" should give up their preferred hobby. Furthermore, I've yet to meet anyone who has ever said, "ABSOLUTELY NO GUNS." Whether it's 1 or 49, LIFE has to come first - before money, price, and precious toys. We refuse to sit by and do nothing while cancer and vehicular accidents continue to take our loved ones' lives, so why do we refuse to stand up to gun violence?!

Because I'm not nearly as eloquent as my friend Cash...

I say this as a gun owner. I own a weapon because A) first and foremost, I love shooting that thing! Its something I've loved doing since being in the Army, B) I've been jacked at gunpoint, and I honestly want to have the playing field leveled. I will die fighting for my life before I die crying for my life.

That being said, the fools who preach "guns don't kill people, people kill people" are at the very least ignorant and at the very worst, enablers. The reality is that, while yes the inanimate gun cannot function without the human operator, without said weapon, the level of destruction is not fatal. The gun is the enabling device to cause a fatality or mortal wound. Stop being delusional!

The fact is that nobody in their right mind thinks the government can or should remove the guns from legal owners in the USA. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!! What does need to happen, and should, is to take out of service and prevent the manufacture of military grade weapons. Establish this by way of round capacity and cyclic rate. Assault is just a term to define these characteristics. TBH, only trained individuals should have these anyhow, so the avg citizen is clearly not supposed to be the target demo for these type weapons.

A handgun is almost always the type of weapon used in a gun related fatality. And if the laws that are in place were better enforced, better safety features to include technological advancements, and closing loopholes and requiring better training were the norm, I would be ok with that in order to secure the right to bear arms. Its a right that comes with responsibility. Why is that responsibility so often dismissed by 2nd amendment zealots? Give me a break...own up to what the right to bear arms requires of you.

Children are dying.

Innocent people are dying in record numbers of mass shootings.

An industry bent on putting profits over people is strong-arming the legislature.

This is America. We deserve to be able to decide what matters as a society. We deserve to have our leaders be on the side of LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. And in my fucking opinion, that means the laws need to be written by the people and not the gun nuts.

Sincere Gun Owner

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...