Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Yet Another Child-Less Rearing Post

I LOVE this article! I will admit that I am quite enamored with Pope Francis' liberal tendencies resulting in a more inclusive flock of Catholics; yet, this is one issue where I, like the author, completely disagree with his archaic rhetoric. I just wish I knew more of these trend-setting women personally.

The article ends with my favorite quote of the piece: "The argument that lingers after having read the book is that the sooner having children is approached from a rational standpoint rather than an emotional one, the better for humanity, even if the result is that there are slightly fewer people left to enjoy it."

And because I could not possibly think of a better fitting song for this post, I have given you two versions of This Woman's Work, a musical masterpiece of intense emotion and desire.

Kate Bush

Bagging Groceries

Just a few posts back I wrote about shopping carts (or buggies as they were called in my childhood). Today's post is another expose on the deficiencies that exist in the world of supermarkets. I would gladly sell my instructional services in order to properly educate baggers on their one job duty: bagging. Simply stated, they don't know how to do it.

Want to really throw them for a loop? Ask them to only use the self-supplied reusable bags you brought with you to the store. [Insert Bart Simpson's famous look.] D'oh!

Adventure #42: Wine and Stars

This past weekend, the Lizard and I had our first double date! We enjoyed a nice evening of wine and stars (planets to be exact, as Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus were all on the lineup), and it was exceptionally sophisticated in a way that my vato and I are not. Of course, I loved every minute of it!

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...