Tuesday, February 19, 2019

On Kneeling

It's always difficult to analyze a situation when your heart is clearly on one side of the playing field. However, I'm going to give it the old college try.

Let's talk about kneeling. When you think of kneeling, what do you typically envision? For me, it's always been synonymous with prayer. Yes, prayer. Something that for much of the populace is considered reverent, devotional, and respectful.

Which brings me to the controversy that has consumed our nation for years now regarding kneeling during the national anthem. Obviously, I'm on one side of this issue, but, for the LIFE of me, I can't understand why something I've always associated with respect is viewed expressly as the opposite. Furthermore, aren't athletes instructed to kneel when a player has fallen? As a symbol of respect? Seriously confused now.

So, I'll leave this issue now to the experts...   

"I stand with these athletes and their patriotism. They could take the easy route and not place their livelihoods at risk by standing up for what they believe in. Instead, they are speaking up for those who have no voice and working to make America live up to its stated ideals. We should all join them...This country was founded by protesters and bettered by abolitionists and the women's-suffrage, civil-rights, and gay-rights movements. To be sure, each of these made people feel uncomfortable along the way, but those were the people who needed to feel uncomfortable. People should never be permitted to feel comfortable while trampling the rights of others."  -Stan Van Gundy

So maybe I didn't really try to see the other side after all?

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...