Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A Surreptitious Scheme

We all have them. Don't even deny it. A plan that no one knows about. An idea to do, to act, if only this or this occurs. Acknowledging it gives it life, breathes reality into it. Yet, that's all it is...just a thought, a simple notion. And no one needs to be hurt because of it.

Love in the Dark by Adele

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Can the Celly!

PSA for the Day: Can the Celly! Will someone please pass this common sense along to my co-workers?!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Impact > Intent

Edited reprint with(out) permission

Not all of his supporters are racist, misogynist, xenophobes. Yet, all of his supporters saw a racist, misogynist, xenophobe and said "this is an acceptable person to lead our country."

Impact > intent.

So when you get called racist, misogynist, and xenophobic, you must understand that your actions have enabled racism, misogyny, and xenophobia in the highest halls of our federal government, regardless of your "intent."

You have to own this. You don't get to escape it because your feelings are hurt that people are calling you racist, misogynist, xenophobic. You may have felt like you had no other choice; you may have felt like he was genuinely the best choice for reasons that had nothing (in your mind) to do with hate.

But you have to own what you  have done: you have enabled racism, misogyny, and xenophobia.

Impact > intent. Always.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


You may (not) remember how I loathe hashtag anything (fundamentally because they are pound signs), but I love the power they invoke. You feel a connection with a movement through these pound signs. #blacklivesmatter #imwithher

Well, today, I'm following a new one. #hesnotmypresident I will not be ugly, hateful, or vindictive, but the president-elect does not in any way, shape, or form represent my ideals and values. I will not acknowledge him as my leader of anything. And whether there is a judgement day or not at the end of our time on this place called earth, I will know I did right with my soul. 

America is a Fantasy

All day yesterday, I alternated between crying and simply staring in disbelief. Yet I'm in no way surprised by this outcome. The deeply ingrained tentacles of racism, classism, and sexism are alive and well in the "heart" of this nation.

But I had the great privilege of being born white, Christian, and heterosexual in America. I didn't wake up yesterday worried that I might be deported because of the color of my skin or because I lack a piece of paper stating I "deserve" to be here. I didn't wake up yesterday worried that my marriage may be revoked because I love someone of the same gender. I didn't wake up yesterday worried I  may be targeted because I choose to wear a hijab as representative of my religious ideals and principles.

Instead, I woke up next to a man who looked at me and said, "I still believe in the fantasy of this country." Lizard, it is indeed a fantasy, and I'm sorry we didn't do better for you.

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...