Friday, September 28, 2018


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 was one of the hardest days of my life as a citizen of this country. The past 24 hours has felt much the same.

We have hundreds of thousands of women in this country who have been sexually harassed, assaulted, and raped. Yet, we also have hundreds of thousands of women in this country who support Kavanaugh's nomination. Many of these women sit in congregations every Sunday where they're told to be subservient to their husbands, fathers, and sons. If you have a vagina, you're outlawed from holding positions of leadership in these churches.

These women support a man every DAY over another woman because that's precisely what they've been taught their entire lives. They could never believe a woman's truth over a man's. To some, Dr. Ford even deserved what happened to her.

Why did she wait so long? If I were in her shoes, why would I want to relive such a horrific moment in my life? Well, I can tell you...if a man who had sexually assaulted me in the past were up for one of the MOST influential, prestigious, and important jobs in this country, that's the FIRST day I would go public with my nightmare too. 

If appointed, every single thing Kavanaugh does every single day has the power to impact my life, your life, our lives. It's taken a lot of players to create this circus, but at the center is a woman who is inferior to NO one (certainly not a man).

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...