Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Key Thief

I hope you're ready for your next memoir installment because (1) it's been entirely too long since the last soiree, and (2) this debacle recently came to mind and I could not wait to share it with you!

My dancing can sometimes get me into trouble, and this particular evening in question proved to be no different. Moreover, the following morning I was destined for my Caribbean island of bliss!

This night began as many of my escapades do...on the dance floor. When you're gyrating with a hunky young lad, you sometimes lose control of yourself. Wait, maybe that's just me. Anywho...this particular man was at least 10 years my junior, and I was simply enjoying the attention I was getting from such an attractive man-child. As moments often do, this one came and went quickly, and I found myself dancing alone again.

Fast forward about 20 minutes...I realize it's getting late and as I have an early morning flight to catch, I decide to head home. I reach into my pocket to grab my keys as I head for the door, and I HAVE NO KEYS. My mind quickly goes into high gear, as I search all of my pockets again and again, I use the light from my phone to search the floor where I had been dancing, and I retrace my steps from the past three hours!

Then it occurs to me...that schoolboy stole my lunch! I quickly scan the venue and find said pick-pocketer near one of the bars. I quickly make my way over to him, where I find him literally starting a brawl with a fellow patron. Before I can say a word, the much larger, older man pushes the kid to the ground. By this time, a number of spectators are gathering, and someone is yelling to call security. As the kid struggles to his feet, I step in the middle of them and yell at him, "You took my keys." He's completely taken off-guard by my comment, so unwilling or unable to respond, I reach into his pocket and pull out my car keys!

Needless to say, without further ado, I high-tailed it out of the club, to my car, and to the safety of my bed. The next morning, I awoke and said a little prayer for the cojones to do such an absolute stupid thing, unsure if I was referring to not watching my keys and his hands more closely or for stepping right in the middle of a fight. All's well that ends well, right? Plus, I couldn't dwell on it too long; I had a plane to catch!

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...