Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Questioning and Existentialism

"I have loved questions all my life...I've loved them out of curiosity and I've loved them out of the hunger for good conversations and I've loved them out of desperation." Living By Questions appeared as my Daily Good read today, and it was so timely, reminding me that sometimes the universe guides do indeed know what they're doing.

From time to time, usually about once a year, I go through a "phase," for lack of a better explanation, where I am drifting in and out of this thing called life. It's almost as if I'm hovering above my own body wondering what next step I'll take, next choice I'll make. "All my life, I've wanted more closeness to my own experience, to be able to whisper, 'Yes I'm right here.'" Instead of somewhere outside of the body that is actually living life.

But aren't questions integral to and inherent in an existential life? "[Questions] remind us that moving forward is our inevitable, profoundly lucky human fate." What if the purpose of life is simply to ask the question, never to actually find the answer? All of the growth occurs while you're climbing the mountain, not upon reaching the summit, though as humans we get so wrapped up in achieving the goal that we forget to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us throughout our journey, even the most difficult parts. "Questioning helps me...recognize that difficulty, darkness...are also a part of my own true life...In times of darkness..a good question can become a safety rope between you and your own sense of selfhood."

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...