Wednesday, June 14, 2017

American Dream

Reprinted from Time magazine:

Jeanette Vizguerra
By: America Ferrera

Some families have emergency plans for fires, earthquakes or tornadoes. Jeannette Vizguerra's family had an emergency plan for a dreaded knock at the door. If U.S. ICE officials came to her home, her children knew to film the encounter, alert friends and family and hide in the bedroom.

The current Administration has scapegoated immigrants, scaring Americans into believing that undocumented people like Jeanette are criminals. She came to this country not to rape, murder or sell drugs, but to create a better life for her family. She shed blood, sweat and tears to become a business owner, striving to give her children more opportunities than she had. This is not a crime. This is the American Dream.


His skin was the color of pure caramel. Syrupy sweet; delectable and insatiable. It was like a cool breeze on a hot, humid summer day. Smooth and flawless to the touch, I drank it in like I had not drank in days. And when it was time to go, like Lot, I could not look back.

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