Sunday, May 21, 2023

xxx Do You Remember xxx

I've always kept my blog more or less pg-rated, but this one is not. Consider yourself warned.

I met him 13 years ago, a lifetime ago, and in a hotel lobby, by a non-descript elevator, our lips touched and our bodies will forever be intertwined. The most unforgettable movie moment there ever has been or ever will be. 

Everything was in slow motion. From the time our lips met, our tongues connected, our fingers explored. 

And all of this time has passed, and he still remembers. Why tell me when we haven't spoken in 5 years?

"Don't be scared about it. Don't forget it was real. Do you remember the way it made you feel? Do you remember the things it made you feel?" Do You Remember by Jarryd James

Friday, May 19, 2023


It's hard being me. 

A feeling I have all too often. It's panicky. It's all-consuming. It's my burden to bear. For being me. 

Just a Feeling by Phantoms 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

5 Years

It's been five years since I last had any communication from him. A text out of the blue is like a punch to the gut. Why? 

And yet a single text, and I can feel him. My breath catches; my heartbeat quickens. I'm overwhelmed with need. And then I wonder if never knowing how it could feel would have been better. 

Favorite Crime by Olivia Rodrigo

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...