Monday, September 2, 2019


More frequently than I prefer, I feel like an imposter. An imposter at my job, an imposter with my friends, and sometimes even an imposter in my own home. I'm saying what is supposed to be said, doing what is supposed to be done, but it's in no way what I truly wish to be saying, wish to be doing.

When I'm with the more affluent, the more brilliant, the more educated, I try my best to keep up with the pretenses, but really, it's just so incredibly exhausting.

But every once in a while, you find "your person." That someone who doesn't require the lies, the deceit, the fake exterior. And you feel like you're finally home.

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...