Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Weight of Inevitability

It's inevitable. The Republican nomination of He Who Must Not Be Named. Sometimes the burden of inevitability on my shoulders is so daunting that I awake in the middle of the night terrified of the future.

Perhaps this seems over the top to you. Sure, maybe for a privileged white woman like myself. But not for the millions of non-whites who call this country home. Regardless of their resident status, if they are earthlings, they are already home. Ibtijah Muhammad, a Muslim-American Olympian, says, "That you have minorities who for so long have been oppressed, who for so long have been confined to particular spaces breaking out of these norms and breaking barriers-that's what makes America great." Yes, Ms. Muhammad. Yes, indeed.

Yet, we have a man - a man who is supported by millions - who suppresses the very idea of such achievement. A man who preys on the weak through mockery and condemnation. A man who looks at people as just another game to win, rather than the humans they are. And his supporters? They make pathetic statements like this one from Natalie Ventura in my fair home state of ridiculousness (of course): "I don't always agree with the message. But we aren't voting for the message. We're voting for the messenger." WTF?! What kind of crazy are you?! And how do I take America back from lunatics like you?

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...