Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Greener Grass

"The grass is not always greener on the other side." But how do you really know whether the grass is (or isn't) greener on the other side without giving it a chance? Without taking the opportunity? No one got anywhere great without taking a few chances in life, right? So, how do you know how green the grass is or could be, without setting foot on it first?


The residents of the town where I grew up - small town America as you already know - call shopping carts 'buggies.' It was one of the first vocabulary words I corrected upon moving to the big city, along with my pronunciations of 'lights' and 'nights.'

Shopping carts are such helpful, resourceful inventions; yet, sub-par humans have also made them the bane of my existence. Nothing's worse than pulling into a parking spot at your local grocery store and coming head-to-head with a shopping cart. Seriously, how difficult is it to take TWO extra minutes of your day to put the shopping cart back where it belongs - either in the cart corral or back in the store? Seriously? Lazy people like you make me sick. The end.

Friday, May 8, 2015

I Remember

I remember the way you looked when talking about your family.
I remember the way your hands felt on my skin.
I remember the way you made me question everything I had ever believed and held dear.
I remember the way you moved when our bodies were entwined.
I remember the way it felt when I drove away from the airport, knowing I may never see you again.

But I don't remember your voice. Would I know it was you on the other end of the phone?
I don't remember your laugh. Was it as loud as your personality?
I don't remember the first time you told me you loved me.

Why? Why do I remember some of the best but not all of it?

"What If" Analysis

We have a computer software program that we utilize at work that has this really amazing "What If" feature. Basically, you can put in some intended or unintended variables to see the resulting outcomes in that case. Fascinating.

Too bad we can't do that in real life, right? Then again, isn't that the fun of it?

Recently, Lizard told me that he wished I didn't worry/wonder about the "what ifs" so much. It was a very astute comment from the kid, but one that I'm not sure I can live up to. I've always aspired to be the best in everything I do, and pondering the "what ifs" are just an essential part of my chemical makeup. Yet again, I get his point. It's the contentedness factor that's missing when you're always analyzing the "what ifs." Maybe with our computer software program we should just let the marbles fall where they may and see what happens, rather than guess.

Friday, May 1, 2015


My middle name should be 'efficiency.' We all have talents, and truly, that is one of mine. I think about it ALL the time. How could I make this more efficient? How can I be more efficient? How can I make others with there's more efficient?

Sounds awesome, right? Not really. Not when I have to sit through yet another meeting thinking about how I could make it run more efficiently. Not when I hurry up conversations to be more efficient. Not when I am bored at work because I'm too damn efficient and apparently make others look bad.

But I can't help it. I'm efficient.

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...