Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015


I never take enough time. I never take enough time to listen. I never take enough time to listen to my thoughts. I never take enough time to listen to my thoughts about what I hear, what I read, what I feel.

"I am the only one who owns me. I am my own person. I decide how to react to and respond to people and circumstances around me. The truth is that I will be miserable when I choose to be miserable, and I will be happy when I choose to be happy."


Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs is another one of my favorite songs. I was reminded of this song after reading an inspiring article about the power of maps. "To unfold a map is to unfold adventure."

It got me thinking about why I started this blog in the first place and why I've continued posting, though obviously less frequently. Simply stated, I wanted a public space to document my adventures, but that intention has often resulted in more commentary about politics and other ideological notions rather than a reflection of this highly amazing, incredibly adventuresome life I planned to lead. "A folded map...exists to remind you that the world cannot be folded up. It's wonders are to be experienced and explored, not explained."

So...I am making a commitment to both you and I to get out there a little more, add a little more adventure to my life. Spice it up! "The best journeys are not the ones where you follow a blinking arrow but the ones where you throw a map into your bag and hope for the best."

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...