Wednesday, March 29, 2017

A Little (Actually Big) Giggle

I've been waiting for the perfect moment to say this "out loud," and lo and behold, that moment has finally arrived. Every redneck's quintessential wet dream has fallen from grace, and I could not be more giddy inside. Oh, poor Tomi Lahren. That bullshit rhetoric you've been pushing just vomited in your face. Don't cry too hard. You should have known rednecks would dump you hard when they discovered you weren't willing to procreate with them.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


We all know how I feel about the orangutan. It's all I can do these days to keep myself together. My favorite morning activity - listening to NPR - has descended into nothing but a barrage of raucous blustering and stupidity that is borderline comedic from the Oval Office - "Everything I do is awesome. Very, very awesome. (With my tiny hands.)" But it all made sense, after I read this article in the Washington Post. Trump's small-brained supporters want 3 things, all in all:

  1. People who talk big. Check.
  2. People who tell us our problems are simple and easy to solve, even when they aren't. "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated." For shit's sake.
  3. People who look like us (and only us). 
In other words, his voters are a basket of deplorables: prefer talk over action, can't understand complicated thought processes, and racist. Small-brained support for his tiny hands. 

Word of the Year: Perseverance

For 2024, I didn't create grandiose resolutions of losing weight, getting fit, or saving money. Instead, I chose a single word and built...