Monday, February 13, 2012

Yogis and Bears

I would like to consider myself a fairly active person. In addition to my passion for dancing, I also thoroughly enjoy a number of other individual sports and activities, including yoga. Yoga entwines the flexibility of dance with the discipline of ritual. It facilitates an awareness of and appreciation for being completely centered and grounded in your inner being in an increasingly outer world. If dancing is where I get to be crazy and wild, yoga is where I get to bring it back in.

Another favorite hobby of mine is cuddling. My ex and I used to "cuddle like bunnies and snuggle like bears." I once read that humans crave hugs about 20 times a day. Why do we hesitate to stretch out our arms to give someone a reasurring embrace, a congratulatory squeeze, or an affectionate caress? Why does it seem we have forgotten the power of touch? Being held isn't a sign of weakness; rather, it's an opportunity to share your heart with someone else, and there's rarely a greater feeling in this world than waking up in the arms of one for which your heart aches. My wish for you on this Valentine's Day is that you give and receive hugs freely, for at least this one day of the year.

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